About Me
The Full Story

So…a little about me.
I was born in Rio de Janeiro but moved to the USA over 30 years ago. I finished college and wanted to travel, get to see the world. I landed at Newark airport, and my plan was to travel across the US, make it to the West Coast, get to see a lot of places, and then go to Australia.
On my second day here, I saw him…and it was love at first sight. He was walking his dog and I was in a moving car. I saw him on the sidewalk and thought, "Oh my God. He's perfect. I'm going to marry him."
My travel plans failed. I married that boy about a year after we met. I didn't want a big wedding. It was just us, our parents and the judge who married us. We’ve been together for more than half my life. We have two teenage sons, one dog, and two indoor cats. And a colony of feral cats I care for. I never got to see Australia. But that's OK. The Universe had better plans for me.
Fast forward several years, and my childhood dream of being a writer is a reality. I love books and I love words. I read all genres, but romance books have always captivated me because at the root of every story there are people. People with hopes and problems, just like us. And we all want to be loved, to have a person standing on our corner, someone who get us, and love us, flaws and all. We all need connection and love. Romance books give us that.
Keep scrolling to see my feral cats.
The Ferals

I have the need to feed and care for every creature that crosses my path. As a kid I used to feed bread crumbs and sugar to ants, and watch them carry their new found bounty back to their home. Any bug that finds itself into my house is caught and released unharmed. Something I passed along to my husband and kids.
So when a kitten showed up in my backyard September of 2020, of course I had to step in. He was very feral and hid in the bushes as soon as he saw me. I left food and water and watched him inhale it from a window. The next day he was back. I feed him every day for a couple of weeks while I put a plan in place.
I contacter a TNR group (trap, neuter, return) in my town and got a humane trap.
That first kitten, the black and white cat you see in the pictures got neutered, vaccinated, and flea meds. I tried to keep him indoors in a room by himself, but he was too feral. I released him back into the yard. Build multiple shelters around the property and continue to feed him daily.
Then another cat showed up. And another. Now I care for five feral cats in my yard. Kitty-Kitty, the original tuxedo cat. Then two black cats, Midnight and Merlin. And two tabbies, Moon and Morgan.
They all have taken residence in one of the cat houses we built for them.
All very feral still. But they are well fed, happy and healthy. And that's makes me happy.
Favorite Things

You already know I love books. And I love creating stories for you to read. And you probably know I love animals too. Which is one of the reasons I'm a vegetarian and have been for some thirty-plus years.
I love flowers, but not cut flowers. My husband knows to never give me cut flowers. But he has bought me many potted plants over the years.
I love dandelions. I have a huge collection of dandelion pictures. I also collect rocks and crystals. Something I've been doing my entire life. I have crystals and rocks everywhere in my home.
I'm not a coffee or tea drinker. I know. I know. But I do love hot chocolate, and that's my drink of choice on cold days, and my go to comfort drink.
And macaroons. Those colorful, fluffy as clouds sweet goodness. I could eat a whole box in one sitting. Thank goodness they are so hard to make, because otherwise I'd be in trouble. Which reminds me, I also love to bake.
So check out the recipes section on my website too. All the recipes have been tested and approved by family and friends.